
(845) 563-3400     124 Grand Street, 不良研究所, NY 12550

NECSD Budget Information

May 17, 2024 

Hello NECSD Community,

In an effort to clarify misinformation about the district's budget and finances, we continue to encourage our community to seek out information from verified district sources that are readily available on our website, via town halls, and through email. Sourcing information from social media is often inaccurate, unreliable, and does not tell the full story. The information below will clarify misconceptions that may be circulating on social media.

During the FY22-23 (FY = fiscal year), the district had multiple sources of one-time federal funds. The district used these funds to absorb costs associated with returning to in-person instruction, maintaining staff, and supporting increases in expenditures for things such as air filters, cleaning supplies, personal protective equipment (PPE) for our school buildings, and instructional materials including software and technology. Those funds also provided additional staffing above what the district previously funded. 

From FY23 to FY24, there was a $31M increase from budget to budget. This increase is based on obligations as presented throughout the budget development process at that time. This was supported by more than a $27M increase in foundation aid from New York State. The FY24 budget was NOT overspent. Legally, the district cannot spend more than the voters approved in the May vote. All districts must operate each year with a balanced budget.

The foundation aid received by the district for FY25 was only increased by $3.49M, which is a significant difference from the previous year. As a result, the initial gap for FY25 was $16M, which means, to maintain all the programs, staffing, etc. it would cost $16M more than the anticipated revenue (State aid, Tax Levy, Interest Earnings, etc). Strategic adjustments were made in collaboration with district and building-level leadership to adjust the FY25 budget estimate, reducing the gap to $9M - this is not a deficit. The district is not permitted to operate in a deficit. 

At that time, the Board of Education decided to increase revenue with additional use of one-time funds (appropriated reserves and fund balance) and seek a tax levy increase from the community, which had not been requested in 9 years. 

As part of the budget development process, we have been transparent with our community, sharing out balances of our reserves and unappropriated fund balance, while also showing our community planned use not only for the next year but also for future years. 

We have also provided multi-year projections of expenses and revenue that show a need for the district to right-size its spending. More than 75% of the budget is allocated to employee compensation and benefits, with another 15% for out-of-district tuition and transportation expenses. The remaining 10% of the budget covers required insurance, audit services, cleaning and maintenance of facilities, instructional materials, technology equipment, mailing and printing costs, legal fees, and professional development. 

Lastly, we have identified those items funded with one-time federal dollars, as well as outlining how restricted State aid would be used. 

As a reminder, the district is audited annually by the external auditors and there have not been any findings of mismanagement in the audit reports dating back to FY2018

Additionally, all claims for payment are audited by the Board's Claims Auditor before payment is processed. If the Claims Auditor does not approve the payment - it is not processed. 

Lastly, all spending from grants is reviewed at the State level. There haven't been any disallowed expenses in the grants

As one of the largest district in New York State, creating a fiscally responsible budget is a complex task. The district recruits and employs qualified administrators with both educational and professional experience in this area. We encourage you to review the district’s numerous presentations about the budget. You will recognize the efforts put forth to explain this information as clearly and transparently as possible. 

In an extra effort to be abundantly transparent with our community, you will be receiving a second mailer in your mailbox this week. This information is being shared to clarify page 14 of the 2023-2024 NECSD Highlights & Annual Budget Notice that you received in the mail earlier this week. 

The information that is being clarified is in bold in the document. The bolded information states: The three part calculation for the administrative component now includes Curriculum and Instruction and Building Administration expenses, which were previously included in the program component. This more accurately captures the administrative expenses of the district.

This is an additional effort to be fully transparent with the district’s finances and to dispel misunderstandings that are perpetuated throughout the community. The full 2023-2024 NECSD Highlights & Annual Budget Notice has been updated online. 

Budget development presentations for the FY24-25 have been shared during this budget season and can be found below. These presentations have evolved following the timeline required by the State and adopted by our Board of Education. I encourage you to watch the meetings and follow along with the accompanying presentations to understand the process and the proposals that are being recommended. Developing opinions from soundbites and summaries from others who have their own agendas will not properly inform you of this process and even worse, may confuse and upset you unnecessarily. 


Budget Presentations 

Virtual Budget Town Hall
May 16, 2024

 Virtual Budget Town Hall
May 13, 2024

 BOE Meeting | April 23, 2024
(begins 2:03:50)


  BOE Meeting | April 9, 2024
(begins 54:55)


 BOE Meeting | March 19, 2024
(begins 1:13:00)


   BOE Meeting | March 5, 2024
(begins 1:42:25)


BOE Meeting | February 27, 2024
(begins 43:00)



Budget Develop. Update | March 20, 2024

 Budget Development Updated | April 23, 2024

2023-2024 NECSD Highlights & Annual Budget Notice | May 2024


Thank you for your commitment to educating every Goldback, every day. We each play a critical role in supporting our children. 

As a reminder, the NECSD Budget Vote and Board of Education Election will take place on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024. Polls are open from 12pm (noon) - 9pm.

More information, including polling locations, can be found by visiting our district website.


Dr. J. Manning Campbell
Superintendent of Schools

ATTENTION: Are your scholars or colleagues doing something great? Please contact the district Communications Team at communications@necsd.net. We鈥檇 love to visit your class or event and/or post your pictures and recap to highlight the amazing accomplishments throughout our district!

Date: 2024-05-17 10:39:30 AM


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