
(845) 563-3400     124 Grand Street, 不良研究所, NY 12550

Coronavirus (COVID-19) News and Information

As the New York State Department of Health, Orange County Department of Health, Center for Disease Control, and New York State Education Department commissioners issue statements and information to be shared with the school community, we will post it here. 


Latest News   

Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 12:05pm


Chromebooks went home with scholars in grades 3-11 on Friday. If your child or children were not in school and they need a Chromebook, please complete this form:  


If your child has a device, but needs guidance signing on, please find that information here: /files/Logging%20into%20an%20NECSD%20Chromebook.docx


Iniciar sesión en un NECSD Chromebook


Saturday, March 14, 2020 - 8:00am

Our NECSD Technology Department has been working to acquire 1,000 hotspots for those who do not have internet access at home. Additional information about that distribution process will be forthcoming. It will take a few days to collect information and distribute.

In the meantime, Spectrum is offering FREE Broadband and Wi-Fi for 60 days for new K-12 and college student households. To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.

Please call and text family and friends who may need this service, as they may not be able to see this message.


Spectrum ofrece banda ancha GRATUITA y Wi-Fi durante 60 días para los nuevos hogares que no tengan este servicio de estudiantes de Kinder a 12 y universitarios. Para inscribirse llame al 1844-488-8395. Las tarifas de instalación no se aplicarán a los nuevos hogares de estudiantes. Llame y envíe un mensaje de texto a familiares y amigos que puedan necesitar este servicio, ya que es posible que no puedan ver este mensaje. El distrito escolar también ofrecerá puntos de acceso (hotspots). Esta semana saldrá más información. 


March 13, 2020 - 5:45pm

Dear NECSD families,

Together, we are facing an unprecedented health crisis in our communities. For weeks, we have been following the explicit guidance of the Orange County Department of Health and the New York State Department of Education, by implementing preventative and responsive strategies to help slow the spread of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus. The departments of health have been in daily contact with us, providing important guidance on decisions to help ensure the health and well-being of our scholars, employees, and community.

At this time, the Orange County Department of Health has not informed our district of any diagnosed cases of the coronavirus within our district, however, to prevent the further spread of this global pandemic and per the recommendation of Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus, all schools within the 不良研究所 Enlarged City School District will be closed for a two week period, beginning Monday, March 16, 2020.

Our administrators and several groups of teachers have been working to prepare plans for the potential of an extended school closure. Please find some initial information below. More information will be forthcoming as we continue to navigate this unique time.


A plan has been created for distribution of meals to our scholars. Beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020, breakfast and lunch will be provided to each child under 18. If the student is enrolled in our schools and is over 19 they should bring their school ID. The locations and schedule are:

Meadow Hill School 10AM-10:15AM

Balmville School 10:30AM-10:45AM

GAMS 11:00AM-11:15AM

不良研究所 Free Library 11:30AM-11:45AM

South Middle School 12:00PM-12:15PM

New Windsor School 12:30PM-12:45PM

Vails Gate STEAM Academy 1:00PM-1:15PM

Temple Hill Academy 1:30PM-1:45PM

Plan for Continued Instruction:

Earlier today, Chromebooks and chargers were sent home with scholars in grades 3-12 in anticipation of a potential extended school closing. Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 scholars will not have Chromebooks. More information regarding instructional materials for grades Pre-K-2 will be available on our district website and at the meal locations.

Our administrators, directors, and lead teachers have been working to create instructional resources and lessons that will be available for our scholars. Additionally, our Technology Department has been working to acquire 1,000 hotspots for those who do not have internet access at home. Additional information about that distribution process will be forthcoming.

Additional Support:

The Family and Community Engagement team has been working to create a toolkit of documents for families that will be distributed at meal sites. Additionally, a hotline has been set up with information regarding food distribution, online or hard copy academic resources, information for our McKinney-Vento families, and general information.

The phone number for the Family and Community Engagement hotline is: 845-568-6533.

Through the work of all,


Roberto Padilla, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

不良研究所 Enlarged City School District


March 13, 2020 - 2:00pm

Dear NECSD families,

We know you have been receiving an abundance of information from our District and beyond regarding COVID-19, the novel Coronavirus. At this time, the District has not received any guidance from the Department of Health to close any of our school buildings, however, we are preparing to meet instructional needs and provide meals should an extended closure become a reality for our scholars. We know this will not be perfect, but our hope is to provide an opportunity for all scholars to maintain their skill level should our schools close for an extended period of time.


A plan has been created for distribution of meals to our scholars in the event of a long-term closure. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to each child under 18. If the student is enrolled in our schools and is over 19 they should bring their school ID. A more detailed schedule of locations will be provided if necessary.

Plan for Continued Instruction:

The links/attachments are meant to give our scholars and their families information to successfully access our digital learning resources and opportunities. More specific information and guidance will be shared if needed. The expectation for the use of Chromebooks and emails to share content and educational resources is only to be used if we are closed for an extended period of time. WiFi/Home Access and Contract and Consent Form for Chromebook Program can be found here for reference. (En espanol - Iniciar sesión en un NECSD Chromebook)

For scholars who do not have internet access at home, hard copies may be sent home if possible. If we do not have enough notice, hard copies will be available for pick up at designated meal locations.

As part of the plan for continued instruction in the event that NECSD needs to close for an extended period of time, we will be sending Chromebooks and chargers home with scholars today in grades 3-11 and making Chromebooks available to grade 12 scholars upon request. Scholars in grades 9-12 who have not already received a Chromebook can request one by .

Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 scholars will not have Chromebooks. Their teachers will be sending instructional information through the District's email or by packets sent home. 

Please note the Chromebooks being sent home will include a charger to be kept home. A fully charged Chromebook is to come to school with your child daily until further notice. Every effort has been made to disinfect the Chromebooks. Chromebooks can be cleaned at home as well by spraying Windex on a paper towel (lightly damp, not wet) and wiping off the keyboard, shell and screen, please do not spray cleaner directly on the Chromebook or screen.

After the safety and security of our scholars, instructional responsibility is a priority. Our continuity of instruction plan is established in an effort to be proactive. Our goal during an extended closure is to keep communication, and instructional resources available to our scholars and their families should the need arise. In the event that we do not need to enact our continuity of instruction plan, you will be informed of our next set of expectations related to the Chromebooks and chargers.

Through the work of all,


Roberto Padilla, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

不良研究所 Enlarged City School District

Useful Links



13 de marzo de 2020 - 2;00pm

Estimadas familias de NECSD:

Sabemos que ha estado recibiendo abundante información de nuestro Distrito y más allá con respecto a COVID-19 (el novedoso Coronavirus). En este momento, el Distrito no ha recibido una recomendación del Departamento de Salud para cerrar ninguno de nuestros edificios escolares, sin embargo, nos estamos preparando para satisfacer las necesidades de instrucción y proporcionar comidas en caso de que un cierre prolongado se convierta en una realidad para nuestros estudiantes. Sabemos que esto no será perfecto, pero nuestra esperanza es proporcionar una oportunidad para que todos los estudiantes mantengan su nivel de habilidad si nuestras escuelas cierran por un período prolongado de tiempo.


Se ha creado un plan para la distribución de comidas a nuestros estudiantes en caso de un cierre a largo plazo. Se proporcionará desayuno y almuerzo a cada niño menor de 18 años. Si el estudiante está inscrito en nuestras escuelas y tiene más de 19 años, debe traer su identificación de la escuela. Se proporcionará un plan más detallado de ubicaciones si es necesario.

Plan para la instrucción continua:

Los archivos adjuntos están destinados a brindar información a nuestros estudiantes y sus familias para acceder con éxito a nuestros recursos y oportunidades de aprendizaje digital. Se necesitará información y orientación más específicas si es necesario. La expectativa para el uso de Chromebooks y correos electrónicos para compartir contenido y recursos educativos solo se utilizará si estamos cerrados por un período prolongado de tiempo.

Para los estudiantes que no tienen acceso a internet en casa, se pueden enviar copias impresas a casa si es posible. Si no tenemos suficiente aviso para enviarlos a casa, habrá copias impresas disponibles para recoger en los lugares de comida designados.

Como parte del plan de instrucción continua en caso de que NECSD deba cerrar por un período prolongado de tiempo, enviaremos Chromebooks y cargadores a casa con los estudiantes hoy en los grados 3-11 y pondremos Chromebooks a disposición de los estudiantes de grado 12 a solicitud.

Los alumnos de Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grado 1 y Grado 2 no tendrán Chromebooks. Sus maestros enviarán información de instrucción a través del correo electrónico del Distrito o por paquetes enviados a casa.

Tenga en cuenta que los Chromebooks que se envían a casa incluirán un cargador para guardar en casa. Un Chromebook completamente cargado debe venir a la escuela con su hijo todos los días hasta nuevo aviso. Se han hecho todos los esfuerzos para desinfectar las Chromebooks. Los Chromebooks también se pueden limpiar en casa rociando Windex sobre una toalla de papel (ligeramente húmeda, no mojada) y limpiando el teclado, la carcasa y la pantalla, no rocíe el limpiador directamente sobre el Chromebook o la pantalla.

Después de la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, la responsabilidad educativa es una prioridad. Nuestro plan de continuidad de instrucción se establece en un esfuerzo por ser proactivo. Nuestro objetivo durante un cierre prolongado es mantener la comunicación y los recursos educativos disponibles para nuestros estudiantes y sus familias en caso de que sea necesario. En el caso de que no necesitemos implementar nuestro plan de continuidad de instrucción, se le informará sobre nuestro próximo conjunto de expectativas relacionadas con los Chromebooks y los cargadores.

 A través del trabajo de todos,

Roberto Padilla, Ed.D.

Superintendente de Escuelas

Distrito Escolar Extendido de la Ciudad de 不良研究所

Useful Links


March 12, 2020 - 4:15pm

Good evening NECSD community, please be advised that the Board of Education has approved a half day for all scholars for this Tuesday, March 17, 2020. The afternoon will be used as a Professional Day, so our educators can prepare instruction in case there is a school or district closure. At this time, there are no known confirmed cases of the coronavirus in our school district, however, we are working to ensure plans are in place in the event of a long-term closure. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are doing our best to prepare for unknown scenarios as this public health concern evolves. 


12 de marzo de 2020 – 4:15pm

Buenas tardes comunidad NECSD, tenga en cuenta que la Junta de Educación ha aprobado medio día para todos los académicos para este martes 17 de marzo de 2020. La tarde se utilizará como Día Profesional, para que nuestros educadores puedan preparar la instrucción en caso de que haya un cierre de escuela o distrito. En este momento, no hay casos confirmados conocidos de coronavirus en nuestro distrito escolar, sin embargo, estamos trabajando para garantizar que los planes estén en su lugar en caso de un cierre a largo plazo. Nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente que esto pueda causar. Estamos haciendo nuestro mejor esfuerzo para prepararnos para escenarios desconocidos a medida que evoluciona este problema de salud pública.


March 12, 2020 - 12:30pm

Dear NECSD community, 

The health and safety of our entire school community continues to be our highest priority. At the writing of this letter, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus in our district. Since this public health concern, our District and building teams have been meeting regularly to monitor the spread of the virus and to ensure we are responding appropriately. Last night, the Orange County Department of Health recommended that large social gatherings or events be postponed or cancelled. This has been defined by the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) as 100 people or more. The purpose of this is to slow the spread of COVID-19, so our healthcare providers can better manage this public health concern. Postponing and canceling mass gatherings can help protect you, other participants, and the local community.  

At this time, the 不良研究所 Enlarged City School District will remain open, however all large scale school and district events are cancelled/postponed until further notice. Should further changes to our district calendar become necessary, the NECSD will make that decision based on guidance from the Department of Health. Please see below for more specific information about certain upcoming events. 

We recognize this is an inconvenience to our scholars and families, but our primary concern is the health and wellness of all students and staff. The 不良研究所 Enlarged City School District is continuously disinfecting frequently touched surfaces throughout our schools and educating our children about proper hand washing, coughing techniques, and overall germ management. We encourage our families to continue that education at home.

As I am sure you are aware, the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the novel coronavirus is changing quickly. Any updates from NECSD will be posted on our website and you will be notified via robo call. Your cell phone and email addresses can be updated through your Parent Portal account or by contacting Registration@necsd.net.

Please continue to check our website and social media for continuous communication. Please know, the safety of our school community is a serious matter to all of us in the 不良研究所 Enlarged City School District.

Through the work of all, we will get through this together, 

Roberto Padilla, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
不良研究所 Enlarged City School District


Some building events are listed below. If an event from your building is not listed, further guidance about building level events will come from your principal. 

District Events:
All District Music Festival (Rehearsals and Concert): Postponed, date TBD. 
District Elementary Spelling Bee: Postponed, date TBD.
Math Meets: Postponed, date TBD. 
NFA Spring Musical: Postponed, date TBD. Further information will be shared when it becomes available.
SAT Exam: Postponed, date TBD.  

Building level events:
GAMS ELL Saturday Academy (3/14, 3/21, 3/28): Postponed, date TBD. 
GAMS Leadership Assembly (3/13): Postponed, date TBD. 
GAMS Kids Invite Someone Special (3/19): Postponed, date TBD. 
GAMS Second Cup of Coffee (3/20): Postponed, date TBD. 
GAMS Leadership Breakfast (3/27): Postponed, date TBD. 
Heritage Middle School - International Night (3/13): Postponed, date TBD.
Heritage Middle School - Musical Revue Shrek the Musical (3/27 and 3/28): Postponed, date TBD. 
Fostertown – Second Grade Production: Postponed, date TBD. 
South Middle School Annual Books and Breakfast (3/14): Rescheduled to 5/16
South Middle School National Honor Society Induction Ceremony (3/20): Postponed, date TBD
South Middle School Production of Beauty and the Beast Jr. (3/20 and 3/21): Postponed, date TBD
Temple Hill Academy - International Night: Cancelled.
UPK Registration Information Session (3/18): Postponed, date TBD. 
Vails Gate Saturday Bootcamp (3/14, 3/21, 3/28): Postponed, date TBD. 

Field Trips and Conferences:
All field trips and conferences scheduled to travel outside Orange County are cancelled through April 30, 2020.

 March 10, 2020 - 1:20PM

ATTENTION: Section IX has postponed all games scheduled at SUNY New Paltz and Mount St. Mary College. Discussion by Section 9 and  New York State Public High School Association  (NYSPHSAA) are ongoing to make decisions on the remainder of the tournament. 

March 10, 2020 - 11:32AM
Letter from the Superintendent - March 10, 2020

Dear NECSD community, 

I hope the weekend served as an opportunity to spend meaningful time with loved ones and take personal care. This communication serves as a follow up to my letter dated March 4, 2020. 

Out of an abundance of caution, the 不良研究所 Enlarged City School District conducted a deep cleaning of all schools over the weekend. Our school buses were also thoroughly cleaned. The district followed the procedures and guidelines recommended by the New York State Department of Health during the cleaning process. 

As I am sure you are aware, the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the novel coronavirus is changing quickly. As of typing this letter, there are no known confirmed cases of Coronavirus in our school community or in Orange County. Additionally, we have not been informed of any self-quarantined nor mandatory-quarantined cases in our school community. 

District Calendar/Event Information:

At this time, the 不良研究所 Enlarged City School District has no reason to close its schools. Should that change, the NECSD will make that decision based on guidance from the NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Orange County Department of Health, and the NYS Education Department (NYSED). We currently have three unused emergency days. 

At this time all field trips and conferences scheduled to travel outside Orange County have been cancelled. The status of future activities and events within the district will continue. If that changes, you will be notified immediately. We will do our best to give as much notice as possible about calendar changes. However, fast decisions are likely necessary. Due to the rapidly changing impact of COVID-19, the novel Coronavirus, I encourage you to think about childcare if I need to close school. If closing school becomes a reality, I will do my very best to provide ample notice but know this may not be in the most timely manner. 

Proper Hygiene:

While there are no confirmed cases in our district at this time, NECSD remains committed to sensible hygiene practices. It is of utmost importance that you continue to wash your hands frequently using soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, cough and/or sneeze in your sleeve or tissue, and stay hydrated. I strongly urge you and your family to educate your child(ren) about Coronavirus and encourage him/her to take personal care. There are resources on our website and social media platforms to help you engage in discussion with your child.

Travel requirements:

Please refer to the CDC website for travel alerts for affected areas: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel. At this time, the CDC has identified the following geographic regions as a warning level 3, sustained community transmission area: China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea. If you plan to travel to an affected area, the DOH and CDC are requiring that you notify school officials of your family travel plans before leaving. 

We are also strongly encouraging families to notify their school if they are traveling outside the United States, to a non-affected area or within the United States to a highly-populated area (i.e., amusement parks, etc.). In having information on other travel, it will help us in preparing for the return of students who traveled to areas that may later be identified as an affected area. 

The travel form, to complete prior to leaving for your trip, .

 The travel form can also be printed and returned to Matt Tindall, Director of Safety and Security (mtindall@necsd.net). 

Members of our school community returning from travel to areas with community spread of COVID-19 must follow guidance they have received from healthcare officials. COVID-19 information for travel is updated regularly on the CDC 

Display of Symptoms:

If you, your child(ren), a member of your family, or someone with whom you are in close contact displays symptoms of Coronavirus, please call your healthcare provider immediately and contact the health office at your child’s school. Similarly, if you believe that you, a member of your family or your child has been exposed to Coronavirus, it is imperative that you consult your medical provider and let us know as soon as possible. Communicating the confirmation or suspicion of the illness helps prevent the spread of the virus in our school community. Our administrators and district health office professionals are prepared to assist you and answer any questions you may have. 

Continued Communication:

Any updates about the impact of the Coronavirus on the NECSD will be posted on our website and you will be notified via robo call. Your cell phone and email addresses can be updated through your Parent Portal account or by contacting Registration@necsd.net. 

Please continue to check our website and social media for continuous communication from me. Please know, the safety of our school community is a serious matter to all of us in the 不良研究所 Enlarged City School District. Through the work of all, we will get through this together.

Through the work of all,
Roberto Padilla, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
不良研究所 Enlarged City School District

February 29, 2020 
District Launches This Coronavirus (COVID-19) News and Information Webpage



Since this virus is very new, health authorities continue to carefully watch how this virus spreads. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is working hard to learn as much as possible about this new virus, so that we can better understand how it spreads and causes illness. The CDC considers this virus to be a serious public health concern. Based on current information the CDC recommends avoiding travel to China.


Health experts believe the virus probably spreads from animals to humans and from person to person. It’s not clear yet how easily the virus spreads from person-to-person. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCov) is not currently a concern for the general public and is not actively circulating among New Yorkers at this time. Therefore, there is no need to cancel school or social events, and there is no need for students or school staff to wear surgical masks at school.


There are currently no vaccines available to protect against this virus. The New York State Department of Health (DOH) recommends the following ways to minimize the spread of all respiratory viruses, including 2019-nCoV:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing. If you use a tissue, throw it in the trash.
  • Routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (cell phones and Chromebooks).
  • CDC recommends that travelers avoid all travel to China.   



Information to date suggests that 2019-nCoV causes mild-to-moderate illness and symptoms like the flu, including fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.




Yes, as of Feb. 2, new screening protocols are conducted for individuals entering the US from China at designated airports.

PreK-12 schools may have students who attend school and have traveled to various areas in Asia, including China. Students should not be excluded from school or any school activities based on race, country of origin, or recent travel (or a family member’s recent travel), including to any part of China. Schools may only exclude a student if a local health department informs the school that a student must comply with a quarantine order or the student is symptomatic of a communicable or infectious disease pursuant to Education Law §906.


If you recently traveled to Wuhan, China and feel sick with fever, cough or trouble breathing; OR you develop symptoms within 14 days of traveling there, you should:

  • Seek medical care right away. Call ahead and tell them about your travel and symptoms.
  • Avoid contact with others.
  • Stay home, except for seeking medical care.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  • Wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Contact your local health department. 

This is an emerging, rapidly changing situation. For questions please contact your local department of health or the NYS DOH Novel Coronavirus hotline at 1-888-364-3065.

ATTENTION: Are your scholars or colleagues doing something great? Please contact the district Communications Team at communications@necsd.net. We鈥檇 love to visit your class or event and/or post your pictures and recap to highlight the amazing accomplishments throughout our district!

Date: 2020-02-29 06:50:31 AM


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