
(845) 563-3400     124 Grand Street, 不良研究所, NY 12550

Letter to Heritage Middle School Families

Dear Heritage Families,

It is important to us at Heritage that we provide as much information to parents as possible.  Daily school announcements, a monthly Parent Institute letter (filled with great parent information), Heritage events & updates and the Principal letter(s) are posted here.  Go to and find Heritage Middle under the listing of schools.

Empire State After-School Program Parent Survey is currently available on the Heritage website.  The district is asking for your input regarding after-school programs to meet the needs and interests of your child.  Please take a few minutes to provide your input. 

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal law that outlines how states use federal money to support public schools.  Part of the accountability for our schools is around NYS testing.  Opt-outs are not an option.  The tests are not used anymore to assess teacher performance.  We must have 95% of all students take the exams in order to stay a School in Good Standing. Testing this year will be held in the spring.  You can find more information at or

Open House for Grades 6, 7 & 8 is Thursday October 4, 2018 6:00-8:30 PM

PICTURE DAY: is Friday September 21, 2018. PICTURE DAY ENVELOPES will come home with students.  If you want to purchase photos, have your child bring the envelope with payment OR you can pay on line. Retakes are Friday November 16, 2018.

Dads Take Your Child to School Day: is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2018.  RSVP forms are to be returned to the main office no later than Monday 9/24/18. (Fliers sent home with students on 9/18/18).

Technology: 1:1 devices for all students are being set up by our IT department. Chromebooks will be housed in the ELA and Math classes and students will have access to them in all core subjects. We are excited to have these devices as a resource.  Technology does not replace teachers or effective instruction.  Yet it will enhance learning opportunities as students use google for assignments, writing and group collaboration.  Ongoing Professional Development will be provided to the teachers throughout the year. 

Social Media Booklets: All students at Heritage received a booklet on Social Media and the Internet this year.  Teachers have gone over these booklets with all students.  Make sure to ask your child about the booklet.  Take time to go through the booklet together to be “social media safe and savvy.”

ATTENDANCE: is critical to students’ success.  We ask for your support and assistance in having students attend every day.  We remind students in school that we are “on time, all the time.”  Classes start at 7:20 AM.  Students have 3 minutes for passing in the hallway to each class.  Please remind your child of the importance of attending school daily and arriving to each class on time.

LATE BUSES: are provided for afterschool help from 2:15-3:00 PM Monday through Thursday.  There are NO late buses on Fridays.  Late Buses will start Monday, September 24, 2018.  Students who participate in sports can still stay after and make it to their scheduled practices at 3:30 PM. 

PTO Fundraiser: For Yankee Candle will run at Heritage September 17-October 5. We seek your participation in any way that you can.  Each order, no matter how small, makes a difference. Our PTO provides monies to assist with field trips, the Valentine’s Day dance, end of the year events and prizes for students for different school events.  These fundraisers allow them to continue to support all of our Heritage students.  Thank you, in advance, for your participation. 

Chorus/Band/Orchestra: Students in Grades 7 & 8 are assigned to their ensembles.  We had such an overwhelming number of incoming Grade 6 students wanting to participate that we have been adjusting the master schedule to offer this opportunity to as many students as possible.  Grade 6 students are in the process of starting lessons and finalization of these ensembles will be added to schedules no later than Monday September 24.

LOCKERS: are assigned by the main office.  It is our goal to ensure that students’ lockers are close to their first period class and as near as possible to the majority of their core classes.  We encourage students to use their lockers to secure personal items and store school supplies.  All students are provided time throughout the day to go to their lockers.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school.  Guidance counselors are available to assist with anything related to your child's academics and well-being.  If you have a question about anything that has happened in a classroom, your first contact person is the teacher.  We want all of our students feeling safe and confident in the knowledge that they are cared about and we want great success for each of them. 


Until Next Time, 

Lynnette Brunger



ATTENTION: Are your scholars or colleagues doing something great? Please contact the district Communications Team at communications@necsd.net. We鈥檇 love to visit your class or event and/or post your pictures and recap to highlight the amazing accomplishments throughout our district!

Date: 2018-09-24 03:58:11 AM


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